Tuesday, July 10, 2018

For Victory and Glee, Follow GaryVee

This is a poem I wrote based on the values and ideas that entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk preaches. I used some of his own words and popular quotes. 

Sorrowful, hopeless, exasperated, and lost
Desperate for gratification and success at any cost
Rejoice my friend for it’s time to transform
Prepare your mindset for the ultimate reform
Fulfillment and triumph are at your fingertips
If you heed the following advice and tips

The most fundamental factor is self-awareness
Recognize your own strengths and weaknesses
Discover your talents and skills
Realize your passions and thrills
Believe in yourself, be your biggest fan
Have faith and confidence that you can
Don’t value the opinions of others
Not your parents, sisters, or brothers
Don’t listen to any external voices
Don’t let anyone influence your choices
But beware of self-delusions
Ignoring reality and creating illusions
Accept your shortcomings, don’t resist
For eighth place trophies don’t exist

The secret to success is called hard work
Whether you’re an artist, entrepreneur, or clerk
 “But I work smart,” argues Rick
Then work both hard and smart, dick
Ideas are shit, execution is the game
So hustle and grind towards your aim
Execute on eighteen hours every day
Don’t waste time on leisure and play
Make every second and every minute count
What you spend your time on is paramount
Stop pondering when and how and who
Stop overthinking and just DO

Patience is the most crucial key
You’re still young so why the hurry?
You have about a hundred years to live
If you’re fifty you still have more to give
Relish and trust the process
With time you will see the progress
Never give up and always persevere
Year after year after year
Make optimism your best buddy
No matter how bumpy the road or how muddy
But learn to love losing
Let it be enthusing
Micro failures do not mean the end
It’s the macro level that matters, my friend

The way to happiness is called gratitude
Appreciate your family, health, and food
No matter how bad your situation
Someone is in a worse tribulation
It’s all about perspective
So view your life as festive
The chances of being a human are four-hundred trillion to one
The ultimate lottery of the universe you have won
Stop dwelling and complaining
What are you gaining?
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and being glum
Nobody gives a fuck about your problems
Things that go wrong are not others’ fault
Learn to blame yourself by default
Stop coming up with excuses
You may have scars and bruises
But they make you stronger and bolder
So move forward with that chip on your shoulder

Empathy is the greatest superpower
Understand why people cry or cower
Have emotional intelligence
Understand those who live in wealth or indigence
Treat others with kindness and respect
Be humble and able to connect
Give, give, give, and then ask
Speak your truth, don’t hide behind a mask
Give with zero expectations
You won’t suffer any frustrations
Giving value is the way to go
People’s attention for you will grow

Life is a binary game
There are only two teams to name
You’re either on the winning or losing team
So don’t stop chasing your dream
You’re either on offense or defense
So let your journey commence
You can’t be half-pregnant
You’re either vibrant or stagnant
Your circle of friends has a great effect
If you’re around negative people, what do you expect?
Cut out losers like Sally
Or you’ll walk up a blind alley
Surround yourself with winners
Believers, hard workers, and grinners
When choosing friends be cautious
For positivity is indeed infectious

You have one life
Don’t live it in strife
If you hate what you do
Find something new
If you live for Friday night
You are not living right
Find out what you love the most
Spend the rest of your life in it engrossed
It’s not too late to start
Go do what excites your heart
Time is your most valuable asset
You are not too old yet
Don’t wait until your last sunset
For you should never forget
That the deadliest poison is regret