Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Beyond This Life

When you realize that this world is nothing but a temporary dream— and I don't mean to simply be aware of this concept, but to let it truly sink in and to fully internalize it— and that death isn't eternal sleep but in fact the ultimate awakening to the real unseen domain, the hereafter, and when you ensure that your intentions and actions are based upon that truth, that is when you reach spiritual enlightenment, peace of mind, bliss, and genuine freedom. If smart, successful people are those who give up short-term pleasures for long-term rewards, then the wisest people and most triumphant victors must be those who relinquish self-gratification in this fleeting life to obtain utmost ecstasy in the everlasting afterlife. I urge you to open your eyes and mind and see the bigger picture. There is a far greater and deeper purpose for you on this Earth than you think. Look beyond the superficial aspects of life and discover what really matters. See the truth and see the light. Disconnect from this shallow world, its worthless desires and materialistic gains, and connect to God. Turn to Him, open your heart to Him, and surrender to Him, for He is all the love, all the serenity and all the healing you need. Allah is indeed the Eternal Refuge.