I have always believed that out there
must exist something grander for eccentric folks like me. There must be more to
this universe than hollow lives led by short-term whims and wishes. Somewhere,
there ought to be a place with greater profoundness, meaning, and splendor— an
extraordinary world beyond this ordinary one. My heart has always sought a much
more fascinating and enchanted domain. Thus I constantly hunted for exceptional
stories of adventure and thrill and tales of unique, remarkable characters that
touched my heart and stirred my emotions in awe-inspiring ways. I repeatedly
indulged myself in other universes to escape this dreary reality. Most of my
life was spent immersed in incredible worlds of fiction through books, anime,
movies, and my own written narratives, in which I could find the enthralling,
magical lands I longed for. Not to mention that I have always found the natural
environment and animals far more tranquil and contenting than the obnoxious
society of humans. Fiction and nature are two of the rare things on this Earth
that give me true gratification and delight.
Lately, I’ve been pondering why God chose
to shape my personality in this way, and I reckon that I finally have an
answer. The realm my heart has been searching and yearning for all along is none
other than Jannah (Paradise), a sanctuary that God promised encompasses unfathomable
wonders beyond human imagination and where absolute elation and true peace
exist. It strikes me as a merge between the beauty of the natural world and the
fantasy of the anime world (except infinitely more astonishing and marvelous)—
the perfect place for me. God gave me an innate desire for Jannah, and this is
the greatest blessing. I couldn’t be more grateful that I’ve been mostly freed from
the control of human urges and attachment to this worldly existence. I can’t
imagine living an undisciplined life steered by temporary pleasures that have
no ultimate significance.
I have found love in Allah and a
home in Jannah. I know from the bottommost depths of my heart that this where I
truly belong, hence why my soul will continuously call to it. Don’t get me
wrong; I genuinely love life, as life too is a beautiful gift from God, and I
have many ambitions to strive for and dreams to realize while I stride on this
planet. But I have developed a sense of detachment from this Dunya, and deep
inside me resides an eager anticipation for the day I depart and return to my
beloved Master and His Paradise— my true eternal dwelling.