Friday, October 19, 2018

Universe Within My Mind

I wish people would understand how loud it is inside my head. My mind refuses to shut up. All these jumbled thoughts are constantly swirling inside. Experts say that an average person gets around 50 thoughts per minute; I'm sure I get at least twice that number. My brain loves to think and overthink a million times. It loves to observe, analyze, evaluate, connect dots, and reflect on every little thing that occurs in my life. My mind is always, always buzzing with thoughts. Events, interactions, conversations, and imaginary scenarios are continuously playing and replaying inside my head all day. My psychologist told me that this is a good thing, for minds that constantly think and reflect are the most intelligent minds. Perhaps that’s true, and I’m grateful for it, but it’s just so unbearable sometimes. Everything that happens throughout my day is more information for my brain to process. This is why social life is so overwhelming for me, and every time I try to explain this to people, they refuse to understand. The more input my brain has, the more I think. This is why I like being a minimalist and having a simple life and hate it when my life gets too complicated or eventful. It drives me absolutely insane. Spending time with people is all input that needs to be processed. I already have enough going on inside my head for me to be able to handle any external stimulation. I can't bear the hecticness and boisterousness of social life. I need order and stability. I need to be able to plan and expect. I absolutely cannot tolerate chaos and unpredictability. Therefore, my mind can only ever be at peace and free of endless thoughts when I have some solitude for a long while.

I know that all introverts are like this with varying degrees; well, I happen to be extreme. I'm at the very end of the extroversion-introversion scale. I genuinely, wholeheartedly believe that I might be the number one most introverted person on the planet, because I'm convinced that I can spend the rest of my life having zero unnecessary human interaction and would be the happiest person ever. I know that they say that humans are social creatures and that no human can live without building relationships and forming connections with others, but I think that I'm an eccentric case. People always tell me that if I did live alone, I would eventually reach a limit where I would need people. They could be right, but my instincts tell me otherwise. I sincerely believe that I could live happily in my bubble forever. I know that there’s a chance I could be wrong, but I’m willing to find out for myself. I’d rather try it and be mistaken than live the remainder of my life in misery and regret, wondering and never knowing whether I would’ve been happy being isolated. Plus, even if I did need people, my family is more than enough for me. I don’t need a social circle. The reason I’m convinced that I’m meant to be a lone wolf is because different situations have proved it to me, time and time again, and will continue to do so. I’ve confirmed it, over and over again, and always will. The longer I go with minimum contact with people, the happier I am. The longer I go being social without any breaks to recharge, the more frustrated and miserable I am. This is one of the truest truths about myself that I know with absolute certainty.

The longest summer vacation I’ve had came after I graduated from high school. I had five months off before I began university. During this summer, I had very limited interactions with people. I spent the entire summer watching anime, writing, and doing the other things that I love doing in my own little world. I didn’t go out. I didn’t text. I barely had conversations with anyone. Therefore, I had no overstimulating thoughts. I swear on my life that I was the happiest creature to ever set foot on this Earth during that time. It was the truest bliss I’ve ever experienced. I will never forget it. I’ll always remember it as one of the happiest summers of my life, and I’ll always wish to have another summer like it. Unfortunately, life isn’t that convenient. I’ve formed too many strong bonds with people now that I have become chained to them. Some of my friends wouldn’t let me go even a week without communicating with them, as they have become overly attached to our friendship. Every time I try to get away for just a little bit, they accuse me of trying to distance myself, not caring about them, or not wanting to spend time with them. I wish they would understand. I wish they would let me cut off all contact with them temporarily every year, just over the summers. I wish they would understand how much I desperately need these breaks in order to clear my head, declutter my mental space, and recharge my mind.

I live inside my head. There’s an entire universe in there. Trying to balance between my inner and outer worlds is too much for me, especially if too many things are going on in my life. I wish they would let me escape back into that heavenly realm of mine, just for a little bit. It’s all I ask for. I’m utterly exhausted. I need breaks or else I’ll lose my mind. When I tell you that I don't want to talk right now, please understand. When I tell you that I don't want to hang out right now, please understand. I’m not being a bad friend; this is just who I am— an introvert with a whole other vibrant world inside my mind. If this really does make me a bad friend, then I’d rather not be a friend at all. If this is what it costs me and what I have to sacrifice in order to be a good friend then it’s not worth it. At this point I’d gladly give up my clingy and demanding friends for solitude, because that’s just how desperately I need it.