Saturday, April 1, 2017

Why I Chose to Be a Vegetarian

Before anything else, let me first make it clear that I do not believe eating meat is wrong, and I by no means judge any individual who chooses to include meat in her/his diet. From a scientific perspective, it is natural for one organism to consume another. Lions eat zebras. Frogs eat flies. It is part of the food chain. This is the way nature, ecosystems and food webs operate. From a religious standpoint, God created animals for human benefit. Here is where I have to point out that that does not mean, under any circumstances, that we are granted the right to inflict pain on animals to meet our selfish desires. Abusing animals in circuses and zoos for the mere sake of human entertainment is unacceptable, because entertainment is not worth the suffering of animals. Testing makeup products on animals is absurd, because beautifying ourselves is not worth animal lives. Wearing animal skin and fur is unjustifiable, because we have no need for it and have plenty of alternatives. My point is, while God did create animals for people to utilize, He did not permit the maltreatment of animals. In fact, we have a duty to treat animals well and to protect them from harm.

I do not believe eating meat is wrong, yet I chose to be a vegetarian. The first reason for this is due to the cruelty of the meat industry. Yes, it is okay to kill animals for food, but it is not okay to torture animals before killing them. Is it right to squeeze thousands of animals together in tiny spaces where they can barely move? Is it right to cram animals into dirty sheds and wire cages where they cannot even feel the sun or breathe fresh air? Is it right to genetically manipulate animals to grow unnaturally larger to the point where their legs cannot support their oversized bodies? Is it right to drown animals in boiling water to remove their hairs or feathers and skin them while they are still alive? I do not eat meat because I do not support the meat industry. I do not want to contribute to the torment of animals.

The second reason I chose to be a vegetarian is because meat is not essential to our survival. Our bodies do not need meat and can very well manage with other sources of protein. The way I see it, if eating animals is not necessary, then why do it? Why not spare animal lives if we can? As an animal lover, I personally cannot bear the idea of gulping down the innocent creatures I love.